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Vertical Heads Subjects Semester - I Credits Semester - II Credits
I Major M1 Sociology - Introduction to Sociology
Society and Social Institutions
4 + 2 Sociology - Fundamentals of Sociology
Self and Socialization
4 + 2
Econimics - Mico Econimics - I
Basic Concepts in Economics - I
4 + 2 Economics - Micro Economics - II
Basic Concepts in Economics - II
4 + 2
II Minor - - - English, Urdu, Hindi, Philosophy 2
III Open Electives (OE) OE1 Open Elective - I 2 Open Elective - I 2
OE 2 Open Elective - II 2 Open Elective - II 2
IV Related to Core VSC Sociology- Climate Change and Sustainability
Economics - Enterpreneurship Development
2 Sociology - Women and Enviroment
Economics - Basics of Statistics - I
SEC Sociology - Sociology of Ageing
Economics - Money Transaction and Consumer Protection
2 Sociology - Generic Care
Economics - FIN-TECH
V Common to All AEC Introduction To Communication Skill in English - I 2 Introduction to Communication Skill in English - II 2
VEC Value Education Course - I 2 Value Education Course - II 2
IKS Indian Knowledge System Series (Generic) - I 2 - -
VI Common to All CC Introduction to Cultural Activities - I 2 Introduction to Cultural Activities - II 2
Total Credit 22 Total Credit 22



  • Six Papers of 75 Marks each of 2 1/2 hrs
  • Every subject has:
    Duration out of the optional subject offered
    • Theory of 75 marks of 2 and ½ hrs.
      at the SYBA Examination. Durations and Any one of the following:
    • Internal of 25 marks.
      • Economics Separate passing in Theory and Internal is
      • Sociology necessary.
  • The following combinations of two subjects of three papers each are also allowed at the TYBA provided the student had offered the same at SYBA level. Teaching Plan