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Rizvi College of Arts, Commerce and Science offers undergraduate courses in three streams: Arts, Science and Commerce; post-graduate course in Commerce and Ph.D in two subjects Botany and Commerce.

Arts Stream

The Bachelor of Arts requires three years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The college offers six arts subjects: Urdu, Hindi, English, Philosophy, Sociology and Economics. Arts degrees are focused on increasing a students’ knowledge and critical thinking in accordance to the syllabus and curriculum prescribed by the University of Mumbai. These courses aim to prepare students with a sound knowledge and skills to connect across geographical, disciplinary, social and cultural boundaries, understand the importance of ethical behavior and lifelong learning habits.

Click on the following departmental links to download the program outcome/program specific outcome and course outcome of different arts departments:

Science Stream

The Bachelor of Science requires three years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The College offers six science subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science and Information Technology. These courses introduce a wide range of topics to students, develop reasoning through unfamiliar problems through critical and analytical thinking and to find a systematic approach in analyzing solving problems through teamwork with importance to safe laboratory practice. The college also offers Ph.D in Botany.

Click on the following departmental links to download the program outcome/program specific outcome and course outcome of different arts departments:

Computer Science/IT Stream

Click on the following departmental links to download the program outcome/program specific outcome and course outcome of different arts departments:

Commerce Stream

The Bachelor of Commerce requires three Years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The college offers specialization course in Accountancy and Management. It aims to provide students with the knowledge, tools of analysis and skills to understand and participate in the modern business and economic world. The college also offers M.Com with specialization in Accountancy and Management.The college also offers Ph.D in Commerce.

Click on the following departmental links to download the program outcome/program specific outcome and course outcome of different arts departments: